Events & Promotions Calendar

Photos with the Easter Bunny

Event location

Indianapolis Southside Harley-Davidson

4930 Southport Crossing Place, Indianapolis, IN 46237

April 16, 2022 12:00PM - 3:00PM

Children, adults, and pets are welcome to get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny on a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

The Photo Prints are made within minutes. There is NO dry time required!

Print Costs:* CASH ONLY! (there is NOT an ATM on-site)  

(1) 4x6 print for $10
(2) 4x6 prints for $15
(3) 4x6 prints for $20

Please note: The numbers will start being handed out at 10am when we open. The reason for this is people will be lined up before we open to get a number, even though photos don't start till noon. They get a number and then come back when the photos start. So, you may want to do the same.

Photos with the Easter Bunny